
All 20 shades of Stylecraft’s new Special DK Made in Yorkshire are now in stock and you can find them here

Our current favourites are…poppy, leaf and mallard blue πŸ™‚

We can get most things in for you, so if you can’t see what you want, just send us an email and we’ll do our best to help πŸ™‚

We stock a wide range of yarns suitable for knitting and crochet along with needles & pins, macramΓ© cords, spinning and felting supplies and a small selection of haberdashery including buttons and elastic. If we don’t have what you want in stock we will always do our very best to get it for you πŸ™‚ We’re a very small and friendly team and whether you shop in person or online you will always get the best of our personal attention.

Opening Times

Sunday, Monday & Tuesday: closed

Wednesday: 10am – 3.30pm

Thursday: 10am – 3.30pm

Friday: 10am – 3.30pm

Saturday: 10am – 2pm

16 thoughts on “Home

  1. Do you do alterations? I have a cotton dress that needs shortening?

    1. Hi Anna, many apologies for the delay in replying. I’m afraid we don’t, the only thing we do repair sometimes is knitwear! There is a tailor in Trowbridge market underneath Wilkos who has a very good reputation and I’m sure would be able to help πŸ™‚

  2. Good morning!
    Recently moved to Westbury and would be very interested in a weekly knitting event/ club/ …. Unfortunately can’t get to the fairisle w/s….have just finished a fairisle cardi, lovely but flawed!
    Will keep an eye on website. Tried to visit today but see you are away.
    Rest assured you have a new knitting fan in the area!

    1. We’re so sorry we missed you Sue, but look forward to welcoming you another time πŸ™‚

      If you get chance, do pop in between 17th & 24th while we’re celebrating Yarnstravaganza…there’ll be lots of special offers, competitions, goodie bags etc.


  3. Hello!!!
    I’m looking for some Aran Baby wool in yellow

    Can you help please

    Hope you’re all well x x

    1. Hi Chris,
      Stylecraft do their Special for Babies in Lemon…or did you want something more “yellow”?


  4. Hi do you do things for cross stitching I have got a pattern but need a frame to be able to do it and don’t know what size or where to go to get one

    1. Hi Bett, if you bring the pattern in we can help you choose a suitable frame and order it in for you πŸ™‚ x

  5. Hi,
    I’ve made a right mess sewing up a knitted garment, can you help?

    1. Hi Emma,
      Probably! The best thing is probably if you bring it and we’ll have a look πŸ™‚

    2. Looking for dark blue/navy sparkly wool for a childs christmas jumper to contrast with silver stars/snowflakes.?

      1. We have a couple of balls of Stylecraft Starlight that might fit the bill…see:https://thewoollery.com/product/starlight-aran/

  6. Do you stock DMC tapestry wool or equivalent ?

    1. We don’t keep it in stock, but if you know which shades you would like we can probably get it for you πŸ™‚

  7. Hi, do you do gift vouchers? I wanted to get my mum some for her birthday, so she can actually visit a shop and choose from yarns she can see and feel, rather than somewhere online. Thanks

    1. Hi Jason, we certainly do πŸ™‚

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